Europa Danse Company
According to the number of dance schools and also the numerous festivals in Brussels, the 6th art is fully expressed in the capital!
If we have more than a hundred dance studios in the city, there are several thousands of dancers who move and express themselves every day in all the dances and on all the music of the world in Brussels!
Dance is an art, the 6th, just before cinema, which Mr. Hegel ranked 7th.
We are talking about dance today to introduce you or rather to talk again about one of these high places of dance in Brussels, we are talking about an academy that prepares very good dancers to become professionals (although most dancers already devote their lives to dance!), the Europa Danse Company.
We met Laurent Drousie, the director and choreographer of the academy at the very beginning of 2022 during the preparation of our opening event, during which the academy made us the pleasure to present a superb choreography to the audience!
"As our country has always been a pioneer in the dance field, Europa Danse Company naturally chose to establish itself in the very heart of the Belgian and European capital. Brussels is indeed the ideal place to innovate and to introduce modern ballet as a new trend: a perfect blend of ballet and contemporary dance, which is the best style to make dance more accessible. To surprise and move the audience, as well as to demonstrate the professionalism of our talents, these are our goals in order to support and lift up the European dance younger generation". Said Laurent Drousie.
To become a dancer of the Europa Danse Academy, you have to be very good as basic! It is a real junior ballet program, which lasts 2 years, during which the young dancers will be trained by recognized professionals who will pass on their immense experience to prepare them to join professional troupes around the world.
The mornings are dedicated to dance and to improve their ballet and/or contemporary dance skills, every morning!
Rehearsals are scheduled in addition to the morning classes to prepare the dancers for the pace of a tour.
The young dancers also follow a physical recovery and nutrition program adapted to the practice of high level dance, an initiation to a European tour is also part of the training and the academy follows the dancers in their professional placements.
During the 2 years, the young dancers are trained by the company's choreographers Laurent Drousie, Marco Goecke, and also work on various choregraphies from other famous dancers and friends of the academy like Mauro de Candia, William Forsythe,... all of whom have very impressive resumes and international careers.
The academy is currently working on 2 projects of shows in Brussels and elsewhere, we plan an interview with Laurent Drousie soon and will not miss to ask him more information about these 2 events!
More about Europa Danse Company
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*1. Architecture, 2. sculpture, 3. painting, 4. music, 5. poetry, 6. dance/theatre, 7. cinema.
Photos. Han Balk - Patricia Portelle - LB Edito IMB