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Explore, watch, feel Art in Brussels..

Explore, watch, feel Art in Brussels..

4 days to open the Art gallery season in Brussels!

"The city of Brussels is known of its liveliness and its multiculturality; from internationally renowned museums and high-pitched galleries to small artist’ ateliers and free café concerts, a city where you can find chic neighborhoods, as well as urban up-and-coming neighborhoods." says Brussels Gallery Week-End pitch.

Irène Laub Gallery - 2022

Nothing could be truer, Brussels has become over the years an unavoidable destination, a hot spot for art in all its forms and the European capital of contemporary art.
Since 2008, every September, "Brussels Gallery Week-End" (BGW) inaugurates the opening of the Brussels art gallery season by organizing 4 days of open doors in more than 40 emblematic places not only of contemporary art, but of all styles, to make us discover, or re-discover, the extraordinary landscape and the richness of Art in the capital.

A real journey that immerses us in the eclecticism of artists and their creations, some are world famous, others are starting to show us the tip of their brushes or their tools to sculpt, a story of sharing and styles in one of the most creative cities in the world!

4 days in September to open us to the multicolored and multiform world of Art, and you can see that this initiative is not only proposed in Brussels...

Brussels, Dusseldorf, Madrid, Lisbon, Paris, Milan, Zurich, 7 cities join together for this Gallery Week-End event under the pseudonym and the banner of "Art Accross Europe" event.
Top departure, September 8, ready, go.
More information : HERE

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