Exploring the stones beauty & Energy // Part3
Here comes another very pretty stone, Turquoise with a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale (slightly higher than the hardness of glass).
Here is what our friend and expert Delphine Brasseur writes about this stone that has been in our history since ancient times, its origin is estimated to be 6000 BC!
"Turquoise, follow your lucky star...
Mineral with unique reflections, the turquoise stone is a blue stone formed by fine brown veins.
Used for thousands of years, this stone gives rise to many myths and legends.This impetuous mixture of two opposite elements is a symbol of protection.
It was notably used in Ancient Egypt for the realization of several ornaments of King and Queen and is part of the favorite stones of the great names of the jewelry of the Place VendĂ´me.
The turquoise stone is a symbol of benevolence, courage and dedication among the Tibetans.
For the Apaches, who wore it in battle, turquoise combines the power of the sky and the sea in one object.
December birthstone: Turquoise is associated with the astrological signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Turquoise helps them to follow their lucky star and allows them to assert themselves. Turquoise is a lucky stone.
This stone makes it easier to express emotions and facilitates communication. It is recommended to those who need to position themselves more clearly, communicate on new projects or make decisions in the business world.
It supports everyone to express their feelings during important life passages such as bereavements, separations, transitions as well as during phases of major changes in our private and professional lives.
It will then bring renewal.
Depending on the ailments and words, turquoise will bring an appropriate response in self-expression, to stimulate digestion (to express and manage emotions), to free the word anchored in the rib cage (area related to our emotional life) or to stimulate cell regeneration and creativity.
Want to know more about Delphine Brasseur, visit her website HERE