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Exploring the stones beauty & Energy // Part4

Exploring the stones beauty & Energy // Part4

Rose Quartz, the stone of love.

Episode 4 of our editorial series dedicated to stones and their interaction with us, we continue to explore this fascinating world of stones and more precisely their energetic and vibratory properties capable of interacting with our lives and helping us live better.
After the red Cornelian, a reassuring and positive stone, the blue Turquoise which attracts positive vibrations and brings openness, we ask Delphine Brasseur, our recognized expert, to talk to us about a mythical stone, a stone which has embodied love since the dawn of time, the Rose Quartz.

"Quartz is the most common mineral on earth and there are many varieties (rose quartz, smoky quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, etc.).
I wanted to introduce you to rose quartz, known worldwide as the "stone of love".
The first rose quartz appeared in Mesopotamia and dates back to 7000 years ago. Today, rose quartz is still present in all civilizations of the world, most often in the form of jewelry and carved figurines. It has recently reappeared in the world of cosmetics and beauty through the practice of "Gua Sha" to resculpt the features of the face or body.

In ancient Egypt, it was also used as a powder in body care creams.
Rose quartz has always been defined as the stone of the heart, of love and peace. A symbol of reconciliation, it opens the rib cage, the area of the heart and lungs, closed by grief, resentment, anger, frustrations or past resentments on a physical and energetic level to make room for inner peace, acceptance, trust, self-love and gratitude for what is already present in our lives.

The physical body, freed from these non-harmonious emotions such as resentment or anger, finds an emotional, mental and physical harmony, and consequently, an increased global vitality. Whoever closes his heart punishes himself from receiving the joy and possibilities to come! What would you choose to do if you were to drag old grievances or heavy resentments into the joy of living?

By inviting rose quartz into your life, you will benefit from the calming and detoxifying properties of its vibration. Its color reflecting all its softness, this mineral will also make you enjoy more ease and balance in your relationships.

Whether it is your relationship with yourself (by being less hard on yourself or learning to honor your needs) and in your relationship with others (by getting out of the judgment of others or the fact of wanting to control things). Rose Quartz is definitely a balm to the heart and an expression of genuine affection for you or the one receiving it as a gift. An invitation to the sweetness of life and to simply be yourself in the present moment".

You like this editorial line, the stones interest you and in particular this subject of their capacity to act in our lives?
Excellent news, we are discussing with Delphine to prepare a workshop, a meeting with you so that you can share with her on this subject and learn which stones suit you more particularly, according to who you are!
Stay tuned and in the meantime feel free to visit Delphine's web portal and her universe! >Here

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