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Friendly fights for dinner
3 Cheeses, 3 Wines... Let's fight!

Friendly fights for dinner

Friendship be damned, tonight it's all about the cheese and wine!

Even if we must consume the wine in moderation, those presented at this dinner must be exceptional, moderation will be difficult!
The "Cheese fight" is one of those discreet and yet tenacious traditions invented by our friends the French living outside France, the blue white red expats.

Friendly fights for dinner, LB

A dinner is organized with friends, each one must bring 3 types of cheese accompanied by 3 different wines and a bread.
The tension is at its height when everyone has brought back their products (which everyone obviously considers the winners of the evening ^^), presents them to diners in the most extravagant terms, giving each cheese or bottle of wine a thrilling story, recalling the unique know-how of the best baker in the city and once everyone has finished promoting their selection, it will be time to move on to the tasting and especially to the note!

Friendly fights for dinner, LB

1 piece of cheese accompanied by its wine, delicately placed on a loaf of tasty bread, it is also recommended to add a musical note, an excellent jazz will do. The challenge is launched, the pleasure is immense because this taste combination is really perfect, with so many sweets and pleasures we would tend to forget that it is a merciless fight to obtain the title of exceptional finder, sleuth, but at the end it's a wonderful evening with friends around the good taste of french epicurian pleasures!

Friendly fights for dinner, LB

Lovers of taste and quality and it is really great that you are in Brussels, the city hides many incredible cheese makers, amazing sommeliers and artisan bakers where you can buy your golden and yummy ammunition! Have a good "Cheese fight" !! ^^
Some very must-go spots to win > Le Comptoir de Tom | La Fruitière | Catherine | Plateau du Berger | FromComptoir | Julien Hazard | ... for the wine, trust yourself. 

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