Ghost story at Hotel Metropole
"Tearing through the darkness, three individuals with flashlights burst into the sleeping Hotel Metropole asleep. They are not burglars, since Jean, the leader of the group is holding the keys to the prestigious hotel! He is none other than the great-great-grandson of Prosper Wielemans, one of the two Wielemans brothers who founded the hotel. Jean wants to to impress his two friends by having them enter the abandoned hotel at night. Fascinated by this decor from another time, our explorers advance in the darkness, as if they were entering an ancient temple that was sleeping, on the edge of history... They will then undertake a fabulous initiatory journey in the heart of the salons of the Metropole, but especially in the heart of the history of the Belgian capital: Brussels! The old palace will engulf our heroes and make them fall into facts and contexts that have marked the history of our the history of our capital, but also that of the noble palace."
We love it!
A show as we like it, interesting, lively and which proposes to live a unique experience in an extraordinary setting, that of the fabulous Hotel Metropole, which for the occasion of this technical and human performance will bring back to life the beautiful Brussels "Belle époque" and its spirits!
It starts on November 4th and every day (from 12h to 21h), the great team of "Tour des Sites", producers of incredible shows that use the latest technologies of mapping, 3D and other holograms, as well as real actors and professionals of the show to immerse you in their history or rather that of Brussels before.
For more information, it's HERE
Book your tickets HERE