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Golden hands among us
Golden hands among us

Golden hands among us

Make everything unique...

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There have always been craftsmen.
The oldest writings or witnesses of world history always relate the facts of those who had a little more talent than others, who invented the tools they needed to give life to their imagination and progress, to make life easier.

Golden hands among us, by LB
More skilled with their hands, more creative above all, craftsmen have created the world as we see it today, and since time immemorial, all the tools and technologies we use have passed through the hands of a talented person who first made a prototype, and if the tools were lacking, they invented them.
Hands always intervene to shape raw material into a unique object, always unique and requiring a particular technique that could not be achieved by a machine.

Golden hands among us, by LB
Machines that have always been designated as the probable cause of the disappearance of manual know-how have never actually cast a shadow on artisanal creativity.
On the contrary, craftsmen are the ones who adapt first to the application of technological advances to apply them to their techniques and know-how.

Golden hands among us, by LB

But what does not change is this uniqueness, this rarity of artisanal work.
Without our best craftsmen, there would be no more luxury, no more beauty, the quality of life would be reduced, and the world would become monochrome.
But let us be reassured, this is not about to happen.

Golden hands among us, by LB

Golden hands among us, by LB
From their thousands of workshops around the world, craftsmen work leather, forge, cut, sculpt, cook, plane, transform original materials into objects of pleasure, to exhibit, wear or taste.

Golden hands among us, by LB

Golden hands among us, by LB

Around us, there are over 1000 workshops that produce every day for us, or for the luxury industry, fashion, decoration, architecture, gastronomy...
Our craftsmen are legion, recognized among the most creative and talented, some are in demand all over the world!

Golden hands among us, by LB

SPF Economy Brussels.
The Brussels region has certified their talents and know-how with a certification label, just to make sure that we are dealing with a master of his art.
If you are looking for a certified artisan in Brussels, look no further, it's HERE.

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