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In the Eye of the Photographer / S01E01

In the Eye of the Photographer / S01E01

1st publication of our editorial line ITEOTP (In The Eye Of The Photographer).

Remember, we said "During the next few weeks, we will introduce you to a number of professional photographers, whom we have asked to play with us to show you Brussels through their cameras, calculated or unthinking moments, a learned or patient capture of the moment".

For this first series, 5 photographers are presented, as well as their own selection of photos, no censorship, only brief: "Send us your selection of photos taken in Brussels, show us the city, in your eyes".
Our first 5 photographers : click on their names, watch their job, SHARE THIS ARTICLE TO PROMOTE THEM!
- Xavier Lejeune (pics of the day)
- Nicolas Drap (Nico Drap)
- Thomas Hansenne (Tomix Pix)
- Olivier Pollet
- Tomasz Cibulla (ZBS Studio)

POTD Pics of The Day // Photographe Xavier Lejeune.Copyright 2022.

Pic 1.
Shoot in 2008

Pic 2.

Pic 3.

Pic 4.

Thank you Xavier for sharing these pictures with us, let's discover other vision of Brussels next post!

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