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It's Time, to resume Reading!
Woman reading a book

It's Time, to resume Reading!

Again, it is a matter of time... That time that seems to be missing all the time, to do different things just for oneself.

Writing for example, or reading, many of us have started a book, then started another one, only to end up not reading them, and leaving them in the library or on our bedside table.
And yet reading is such a unique, rich and satisfying activity!
What you need to do is to take the time to go and buy 2 or 3 books in a good bookshop, if necessary following the advice of the bookseller, to find a new author or update your knowledge of your favourite authors' publications!
Reading is anything but a waste of time, few activities can compete in richness and knowledge, which is the most important notion of all.
In Brussels, we are particularly blessed with an incredible number of real bookshops, generalists or specialists, in a wide variety of fields and an incredible choice!
I'm going to start reading again...

Some very good places to explore & find your next stories > Tropismes - Filigranes - Cook&Book - Candide - Taschen 

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