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LB |Grand Opening Event - Story
LB Grand Opening

LB |Grand Opening Event - Story

The opening of the media platform took place over a whole weekend...

The opening of the media platform took place over a whole weekend as we inaugurated the first 2 creative tours on the themes "Senses of Art Nouveau" and "Gemstones & Jewelry", and then on the evening of Sunday 20-02-2022, we found ourselves at the opening party of the LB media!

We are very pleased to present here the aftermovie (link to LB Watch at the end of this article) of this great evening that we had the chance to share with 50 guests, Luxury Brussels Insiders, hoteliers, artisans, artists and the presence of Filip Boyen, Ambassador of Forbes Travel Guide, who was able to announce our partnership to make Brussels shine through this LB project and their luxury verification operations in Belgium this year!

The city of Brussels, LB's main public partner, inaugurated the speeches during a press release with Mr. Fabian Maingain, present at the event.
Filip Boyen, Christophe Cormanne (Director of maison Christian Dior), Ludovic Elens (President of Ateliers Gabriel) were also able to share their support for this project in the speeches that followed, then Christian Locqueneux and Paola Vanden-hole, dressed for the occasion by DVF, were able to explain to the audience present the project in a little more detail.

This was followed by performances of confirmed and so creative artists, a sublime concert of one of our Insider Truong Hoang Huy at the piano, accompanied in improvisation by the dancers of the European Dance Company of Laurent Drousie, all this in an absolutely magnificent theater and decorated in a perfect way by the team of LB Prod and Tobiarts productions!

The tables had also been prepared to receive our guests, the craftsmen of the Ateliers Gabriel had taken care to arrange in the center of the 10 tables their tools, their materials, their universes, the chef Albert Verdeyen orchestrated the farandoles of the verines and preparations all more tasty and pretty the ones than the others, with Wouter and VĂ©ronique of the famous fishmonger's brewery resto Mer du Nord, and some members of the Ste-Cath-Kath association, we were delighted and our palates also!

The "best fries in the world" were there, prepared with love (and for generations like that...) by the De Corte family, a well known and almost unavoidable fairground (Foire du Midi) institution!
This evening was also highly colored and animated by the creation of an exclusive cocktail made from the choices of the assembly, by a former World Champion bartender and member of the UBB (Union of Belgian's Bartenders)!

Together, we created the official cocktail of Luxury Brussels, the LB | Cocktail which will be proposed at the Plaza bar in exclusivity these next months...

What a great time we had together, and for those who were able to respond positively to our surprise invitation, we took them to the 250th anniversary concert of the La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra, after the evening at BOZAR, un a luxury coach of our partner Modern Car Limousines!

This new media is a community project, we thank you to all our partners, the Plaza Brussels, its staff and all our guests for having lived this moment so important for the whole Luxury Brussels team and from now on, the media platform is open!


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