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Let's talk again about ethical & luxury
Ethical luxury 1

Let's talk again about ethical & luxury

Protecting the biodiversity, in the name of beauty...

Opportunities to talk about and highlight brands, and in general, luxury players who have clearly focused their attention on the notion of respect, ethics and responsible governance, we take them without hesitation.
Indeed, many companies announce their noble intentions, their commitment to do better or clearly exaggerate the scope of their efforts.

At LB, we have made this subject of ethical luxury a basic part of our editorial positioning, but when we say ethical in luxury, we automatically mean investment or at least the awareness for brands that to really position themselves in actions and change towards transparency, traceability and conservation of resources, is expensive.

You can't do things by halves and above all, you can't cheat your clients!
Let's remember that customers of premium brands are the first to support the actions of their favorite brands in favor of sustainable development and are also and above all the first to sanction false promises.
We therefore say that for a few years, reconsidering this notion of ethics has been an obligation for the actors of the luxury industry and that, as a general rule, all premium brands have committed themselves in a more or less honest way to this need to show their green credentials.
The problem is that in reality, when we study the real actions and the amounts invested, we quickly realize that only a few luxury maisons are really committed and really make progress in this field. LVMH and its brands (LIFE initiative) do not cheat and have long understood the need to protect resources and govern differently, Versace, Gucci or Burberry decided to stop the real fur, not bad ... there are many examples.

Today again, we want to point a very benevolent finger at the house of Guerlain. In terms of commitment, it is difficult to do better and especially more honest.

The maison Guerlain and its program "Guerlain for Bees' conservation" is a perfect example of a real commitment with a real reach and which changes the world, a little, in the right direction.

Guerlain's commitment to preserving the bee reached new heights with the celebration of the Women For Bees programme. The first European edition of this ground breaking five-year programme was mentored by UNHCR Special Envoy and Guerlain Muse Angelina Jolie, with editions to take place in Cambodia and Eastern Africa.

Watch this video : 

Join Guerlain perfumes boutique in Brussels to know more about this programme and share it with your world.
Guerlain Brussels - Avenue Louise, 52 - 1000 Brussels - Tel. +32 2 899 61 39 - Visit the website
More info about Guerlain "Our Commitment" : Here
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