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Local and seasonal, the healthy secret

Local and seasonal, the healthy secret

Quality food, quality life

The more science advances, the more the relationship between what we eat and the level of our health is verified.
We are not saying that all our diseases and other health concerns come from a bad diet, but to be clear, it is almost that and it is quite logical and understandable.

When we eat any product, a very large part of it is kept inside, assimilated, distributed to the right places and spent by our daily activity.
The quality of the molecules that we distribute to our body is therefore a predominant factor and when we compare a fresh product from intensive agriculture and another fresh product cultivated with respect, the difference is almost shocking especially while we are talking about chemical and explains very well the reason why today, the consumption of organic products does not cease increasing.

And yet, today, eating healthy and above all efficient and beneficial for our health, it is really not difficult!
The very best way for us is to always meet with your local and high quality products boutique or mini-supermarket,by talking and knowing better with our local traders, we make this local and qualitative networks growing!

1. We go more often to the local market and in Brussels there are many markets where local farmers come to propose their beautiful products!

The Marché bio des tanneurs, the Marché des Heureux (formerly Marché de la tricoterie / rue des glacières n°16 in St-Gilles), the market of the place Ste-Catherine (Wednesday morning), the one of the place du Luxembourg (Tuesday from 12H30) and our superb Market of the chefs just as superb and which proposes exceptional products.

2. We'll do our own picking on weekends!
So this is really a great activity, preferably in good weather, to go and pick your own fruits and vegetables, it's perfect to share a very fun moment and to fill up with local products, without any pesticide and which, you will see, are absolutely delicious with a taste that we almost forgot in comparison with the stalls of our supermarkets.
The pick-ups around Brussels: BioBees (strawberries in season May-June), le Champ du Chaudron (pick-up and baskets of local farm products), Fruit Time (pick red fruits and flowers!), les Délices de Pinchard (pick-your-own strawberries and seasonal products).
3. We have our products delivered directly to your home!
Receive a regular basket filled with good seasonal products and especially from the best producers, farmers and breeders of the Brussels region, to be consumed all week long, we agree! Organic baskets delivered: EFarmz, EatLocal, BelArtisan (basket of local artisanal products), Poti'Panier.

4. We eat in the good restaurants of Brussels! One thing you can be sure to get with a real chef is very good products, usually from the shortest possible circuits and dishes prepared with love! There are really many places dedicated to the real beautiful and healthy cuisine in Brussels, you certainly know one or two near you.

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