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Next week-end, it's board games at home!
Board games at home

Next week-end, it's board games at home!

Splendor, Carcassonne, Ticket to ride, Catan, 7 wonders, Dixit, Codenames, Coup, Pandemic, Patchwork, Azul, ... who said board games weren't trendy ?!

Today, the most luxurious of all values is time...
For most of us, we run around during the week, taking care to put down a few blank spots here and there. Yet it is so important to make time just to share it with those we love, and the weekend is clearly the best time to do this...
For a "cocoon weekend at home", board games are an extremely safe bet, especially since today there is no shortage of very nice, interesting and super fun games to choose from!
Mysterium, Anomia, and those added in the title, ... who said board games weren't trendy ?!

Mentioned games is the list of the world's most award-winning board games, all tested and rated by Wirecutter of The Times New York & The Brooklyn Strategist as the coolest games for a family weekend at home!
Visit one of the excellent specialty shops in Brussels and let's play!
Dédale Serneels Maison des échecs War House Games Kinkajou - Magasin de jouets Antre Jeux L'Atelier de Gepetto by Oliwood Toys

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