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The Pink Legacy reborn
Pink Legacy

The Pink Legacy reborn

The Pink Legacy pink diamond, acquired for $49.9M by Harry Winston, revealed in its new setting.

This is the kind of story we love.
It's 2018, in Geneva, Christie's is auctioning the largest "Fenci Vivid Pink" diamond in its history.
Harry Winston is participating in the auction, and he absolutely wants this extraordinary stone for several reasons but one of them is that this pink diamond displays the record weight of 18.96 carats and it happens that Mr. Winston was precisely born on March 1, 1896!

The auction was wild and the stone finally ended up in the hands of the famous diamond dealer for the incredible sum of 49.9 million dollars!

Today, the Winston Pink Legacy is out of its box and has been entrusted to the craftmen of the American brand to sublimate it and mount it on a gorgeous platinum and pink gold ring, enhanced with two very beautiful side diamonds.

Finally, for those who would like to know more about this story and apply to become the proud owner of this legendary ring, the Swatch Group in Brussels (+32 2 558 37 00) will be able to give you more information.

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