The Waterloo Blvd. & Toison d'Or project...
If there is a sensitive subject in Brussels, this is it!
Watch the film of the project HERE
This major renovation project of our famous axis "Bd de Waterloo - Toison d'Or" is one of the most debated subjects by all the inhabitants of the districts concerned but also by the premium merchants who are already installed or who plan to place their stores or brands there on this main axis of the Brussels premium sector.
Our team is in constant contact with the capital's premium players, for several years we have been sharing their concerns and questions with them.
We therefore wish to offer you this article not only to give you our vision but also and above all to relay this information that we have the honor to share with all our shops, stores and premium brands in Brussels.
A city is constantly turned towards the future, it represents the place where we live, us, our children who will probably live there, and must present an image, services, experiences for us, the inhabitants, but also for all those who come and spend a few days with us.
We have taken a good look at this project, studying it from every angle, we have also extended the vision to the other Brussels services involved in this project, but before taking stock of what we think, we would like to draw attention to the 3 points of particular attention that our businesses and premium brands have most often challenged us.
Whatever the project, its urban quality, its ambition and its positioning in space, its design curves, its facilities, it is 100% clear that it must take into account these 3 essential pillars which are really those whose we have heard the most about:
- The cleanliness of the premises and the constant supervision of the authorities on this cleanliness.
This includes improving the removal of waste, the quality of physical waste collection devices (garbage bins outside the commercial area, for example, maintaining the cleanliness of waste areas, etc.), and better information for solutions that exist to help local residents and shopkeepers maintain this cleanliness ( is a very good example to follow!)
- Security. Equally important, frequentation of the redeveloped area must be monitored and security provided by the police.
There is currently a major lack of surveillance and police physical presence in the Bd de Waterloo - Toison d'Or sector. This notion of security is essential for the confidence of consumers who come to shop, but also for local residents. Without this awareness of the authorities, the renovation project will not obtain the expected votes, and will ultimately be a failure since it will not be adopted by the main actors, those who live and work in the district, for the customers who do not come to the region and also for tourism and the image of the city abroad.
- Accessibility. In Brussels, public transport is of excellent quality.
The project plans to serve the area smoothly and with a multimodal transport offer. Let's be honest, taking his car, alone, every morning, to get to work is not the best thing for the quality of life in the city, the same goes for someone who takes his car, alone, to go to the center of Brussels shopping.
Let's be brave enough to at least study the other solutions offered, the electric bike or not, shared vehicles, limousine service, ....
And for those who cannot do otherwise than take their car, many parking spaces are provided.
Let's be clear, no project is ever unanimous!
This is not the objective, but that of satisfying the greatest number, and this last objective is achieved on the intention.
It is true that this project has been modified several times taking into account the suggestions and complaints of the people of Brussels.
The global redevelopment project of the Boulevard de Waterloo - Toison d'Or axis, after in-depth study, is a good project overall.
It's interesting, logical, it offers common sense, that of all big cities, giving priority to pedestrians, to their place in the city, and to the pleasure of living there or staying there.
Brussels is known throughout the world for its green spaces, its quality of life, this project does not contradict this notion of a green city, quite the contrary, about fifty new large trees of several species will be planted, a fountain (of water drinkable!) installed.
Hundreds of additional flowers will bring us their colors and their pollen to our 500 hives installed on the roofs of the city, a real cycle path, sidewalks 8 meters wide, cobblestones of several colors will also bring modernity to pedestrian areas. . , seats in natural stone, various facilities are planned to facilitate life in the neighborhood.
We therefore sincerely believe that this project deserves the support of all those who love Brussels, as with any new project, it takes time, to get used to it, to take ownership of it, Brussels deserves our support, it is our city , our house and this project is ambitious, finally let us remember the importance of ensuring that the 3 points of cleanliness, safety and accessibility are well respected, our merchants and local residents have always asked us for this and deserve that we listen to them... finally!
More information : > Camille Thiry / Communication / T +32(0)22042001 • M 32499588199 / [email protected]
- The project map, consult it HERE