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Tie the knot: a butterfly story of elegance
Tie the knot: a butterfly story of elegance

Tie the knot: a butterfly story of elegance

Meeting with Mister bow tie.

This subject has certainly sparked debate, and without the global day dedicated to it, the injustice might have continued, with the spotlight of trends and style preferring to shine on another contender— rebel and resilient is the bow tie.

Tie the knot: a butterfly story, LB

And yet, this accessory never stops reinventing itself, finding every possible occasion to wrap around necks and assert its unique touch on the looks of the most elegant, creative, and independent among us.

Not to mention the famous expression 'putting a noose around someone's neck,' which means stepping into their life.

Tie the knot, a butterfly story

It’s not enough to simply wrap your fortunate victim in silk; the knot must be just right—tight, but not too tight, elegant above all, and leaving enough room to breathe deeply, living a wonderful life while wearing a bow tie on every occasion!
You may have noticed that this article is not gendered, and that’s entirely intentional.
It leaves the ambiguity open, allowing it to present itself as an item bearing traditionally masculine attributes—something it carries off very well—and also quite feminine traits, which it does just as elegantly.

Tie the knot, a butterfly story, LB

Icons like Marlene Dietrich and Katharine Hepburn wore the famous bow tie with pride, rendering it truly free to adorn any neck suited to the occasion and do we have to talk about 007…

Tie the knot, a butterfly story, LB

A little bit of history: this rebellious butterfly of fashion and the codes of elegance may have emerged indirectly.
The French jabot, worn in the 17th century, could be the earliest sign of the bow tie, and certainly a symbol of men’s elegance at the time.
Simultaneously, members of the famed Croatian cavalry and their neck scarves might also be the origin of today’s creative style icon.
Another rumor points to the delightful English dandy Beau Brummel and his famous cravat knots, which closely resembled a beautiful, colorful butterfly tied around the neck during grand occasions of English aristocracy.

Knot the tie, a butterfly story, LB

Whatever the origin, style, looks, and trends are constantly evolving. If the bow tie has earned itself a global day of celebration and continues to grace the windows of style experts in Brussels—and will likely do so for many years to come—it’s because we’re not ready to abandon such a small accessory with such personality!

Black for serious and solemn occasions, white for shining at ceremonies or more formal dinners, butterfly or self-tie, here’s a quick selection of boutiques where you can hunt down the perfect bow tie.
Happy hunting—get your nets ready...

Café costume
Rue Léon Lepage, 24 - Brussels
+32 2 513 54 44

Rue Ernest Allard, 19 - Brussels
+32 2 532 33 10

Boulevard de Wtaerloo, 50 - Brussels
+32 2 511 20 62

La Maison de Maitre co. Stephanie Dewitte
Place Stéphanie, 12 - Brussels
+32 2 662 01 42

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